CaPriCo: Database of Captive Primate Collection
Database of Captive Primate Collection

Species: * OR search
All Species(6383)
Cheirogaleidae Microcebus murinus(8)
Lemuridae Eulemur fulvus(2)
Lemuridae Eulemur macaco(15)
Lemuridae Eulemur mongoz(7)
Lemuridae Lemur catta(55)
Lemuridae Varecia variegata(42)
Galagidae Galago senegalensis(59)
Galagidae Galago demidovii(2)
Galagidae Otolemur crassicaudatus(47)
Galagidae Galagidae spp.(1)
Loridae Loris tardigradus(12)
Loridae Nycticebus coucang(58)
Loridae Nycticebus pygmaeus(28)
Loridae Perodicticus potto(10)
Tarsiidae Tarsius syrichta(9)
Cebidae Callimico goeldii(37)
Cebidae Callithrix argentata(39)
Cebidae Callithrix geoffroyi(44)
Cebidae Callithrix humeralifer(30)
Cebidae Callithrix jacchus(264)
Cebidae Callithrix penicillata(83)
Cebidae Callithrix spp.(1)
Cebidae Cebuella pygmaea(191)
Cebidae Leontopithecus rosalia(31)
Cebidae Saguinus bicolor(2)
Cebidae Saguinus fuscicollis(17)
Cebidae Saguinus geoffroyi(16)
Cebidae Saguinus imperator(10)
Cebidae Saguinus labiatus(62)
Cebidae Saguinus leucopus(9)
Cebidae Saguinus midas(17)
Cebidae Saguinus mystax(70)
Cebidae Saguinus nigricollis(100)
Cebidae Saguinus oedipus(187)
Cebidae Saguinus weddelli(24)
Cebidae Saguinus spp.(1)
Cebidae Aotus trivirgatus(121)
Cebidae Cebus albifrons(18)
Cebidae Cebus apella(38)
Cebidae Cebus capucinus(19)
Cebidae Cebus nigrivittatus(7)
Cebidae Cebus spp.(0)
Cebidae Saimiri boliviensis(8)
Cebidae Saimiri sciureus(121)
Atelidae Alouatta caraya(13)
Atelidae Alouatta fusca(1)
Atelidae Alouatta seniculus(5)
Atelidae Alouatta spp.(1)
Atelidae Ateles belzebuth(8)
Atelidae Ateles geoffroyi(64)
Atelidae Ateles paniscus(18)
Atelidae Ateles spp.(1)
Atelidae Lagothrix lagothricha(32)
Atelidae Lagothrix lagothricha cana(1)
Pitheciidae Cacajao calvus rubicundus(3)
Pitheciidae Callicebus cupreus(2)
Pitheciidae Callicebus donacophilus(4)
Pitheciidae Callicebus moloch(24)
Pitheciidae Callicebus torquatus(1)
Pitheciidae Callicebus spp.(1)
Pitheciidae Chiropotes satanas(2)
Pitheciidae Pithecia monachus(6)
Pitheciidae Pithecia pithecia(14)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus agilis(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster(5)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus torquatus atys(7)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus torquatus lunulatus(14)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus torquatus torquatus(9)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus hybrid(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Lophocebus albigena(2)
Cercopithecidae Papio anubis(132)
Cercopithecidae Papio cynocephalus(22)
Cercopithecidae Papio hamadryas(26)
Cercopithecidae Papio papio(8)
Cercopithecidae Papio spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Mandrillus leucophaeus(17)
Cercopithecidae Mandrillus sphinx(23)
Cercopithecidae Theropithecus gelada(7)
Cercopithecidae Macaca arctoides(17)
Cercopithecidae Macaca assamensis(7)
Cercopithecidae Macaca brunnescens(0)
Cercopithecidae Macaca cyclopis(118)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fascicularis(982)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fuscaca fuscata(1073)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fuscata yakui(600)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fuscata hybrid(2)
Cercopithecidae Macaca maura(15)
Cercopithecidae Macaca mulatta(193)
Cercopithecidae Macaca nemestrina(60)
Cercopithecidae Macaca nigra(9)
Cercopithecidae Macaca radiata(108)
Cercopithecidae Macaca silenus(23)
Cercopithecidae Macaca sinica(19)
Cercopithecidae Macaca sylvanus(23)
Cercopithecidae Macaca thibetana(5)
Cercopithecidae Macaca tonkeana(0)
Cercopithecidae Macaca hybrid(2)
Cercopithecidae Macaca spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Allenopithecus nigroviridis(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus ascanius(10)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus cephus(6)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus diana(3)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus hamlyni(3)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus lhoesti(8)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mitis(3)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mitis doggetti(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mitis albogularis(11)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mona(26)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus neglectus(17)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus nigroviridis(0)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus petaurista buettikoferi(15)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus spp.(1)
Cercopithecidae Chlorocebus aethiops(20)
Cercopithecidae Chlorocebus pygerythrus cynosuros(1)
Cercopithecidae Erythrocebus patas(146)
Cercopithecidae Miopithecus talapoin(16)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Colobus angolensis(14)
Cercopithecidae Colobus guereza(5)
Cercopithecidae Colobus polykomos(13)
Cercopithecidae Piliocolobus badius(0)
Cercopithecidae Kasi senex vetulus(2)
Cercopithecidae Kasi senex(3)
Cercopithecidae Nasalis larvatus(9)
Cercopithecidae Presbytes melalophos(2)
Cercopithecidae Pygathrix nemaeus(0)
Cercopithecidae Semnopithecus entellus(77)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus cristatus(53)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus francoisi(14)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus obscurus(13)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus pileatus(10)
Cercopithecidae Colobinae spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Presbytesinae spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecidae spp.(0)
Hylobatidae Hoolock hoolock(2)
Hylobatidae Hylobates agilis(14)
Hylobatidae Hylobates klossii(2)
Hylobatidae Hylobates lar(44)
Hylobatidae Hylobates moloch(6)
Hylobatidae Hylobates muelleri(0)
Hylobatidae Hylobates pileatus(5)
Hylobatidae Hylobates spp.(3)
Hylobatidae Hylobates hybrid(1)
Hylobatidae Nomascus concolor(3)
Hylobatidae Symphalangus syndactylus(16)
Hominidae Pongo pygmaeus(7)
Hominidae Pan troglodytes(1)
Hominidae Gorilla gorilla beringei(2)
Hominidae Gorilla gorilla gorilla(5)
Primates misc.(2)
Scandentia Dendrogale melanura(0)
Scandentia Ptilocercus lowii(0)
Scandentia Tupaia glis(19)
Scandentia Tupaia gracilis(0)
Scandentia Tupaia minor(0)

Skeletal Collection: * AND search
Skull(16) Mandible(16)
Humerus(16) Radius(16)
Ulna(16) Scapula(16)
Femur(16) Tibia(16)
Fibula(16) Coxae(16)
Trunk(16) Hand(15)
Male(50) Female(43)
Fetus(0) Infant(0)
Juvenile(4) Adult(12)
Result-----------1 - 98 of 98
No: 00395 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 00922 Sex: M Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 00994 Sex: F Age: Juvenile
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: none Foot: none
No: 01004 Sex: F Age: Juvenile
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 01028 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 01111 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 01690 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 01694 Sex: F Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 01696 Sex: M Age: Juvenile
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: parts Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 01699 Sex: M Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 01700 Sex: F Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 01706 Sex: M Age: Juvenile
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 01809 Sex: F Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 01872 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 01976 Sex: U Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 01986 Sex: M Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 02028 Sex: F Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 02038 Sex: F Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 02144 Sex: M Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 02154 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 02163 Sex: M Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 02321 Sex: F Age: Adult
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: parts Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: parts Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 02322 Sex: M Age: Adult
Family: Atelidae Genus: Alouatta
Specific name: seniculus Subspecific name:
Skull: exist Mandible: exist Humerus: exist Radius: exist
Ulna: exist Scapula: exist Femur: exist Tibia: exist
Fibula: exist Coxae: exist Trunk: exist
Hand: exist Foot: exist
No: 02633 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 02820 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 02964 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03095 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03151 Sex: M Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03178 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03429 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03604 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03700 Sex: F Age:
Family: Atelidae Genus: Alouatta
Specific name: seniculus Subspecific name:
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03702 Sex: M Age:
Family: Atelidae Genus: Alouatta
Specific name: seniculus Subspecific name:
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03704 Sex: F Age:
Family: Atelidae Genus: Alouatta
Specific name: seniculus Subspecific name:
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03714 Sex: M Age:
Family: Atelidae Genus: Alouatta
Specific name: seniculus Subspecific name:
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03758 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03833 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03835 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03899 Sex: F Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 03966 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04239 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04246 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04286 Sex: M Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04343 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04359 Sex: M Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04455 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04570 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04591 Sex: M Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04640 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04648 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04671.1 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04671.2 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04671.3 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04680 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04684 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04708 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04892 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 04903 Sex: F Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05012 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05054 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Cercopithecus
Specific name: petaurista Subspecific name: buettikoferi
Name: Buettikofer's Guenon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05089 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05095 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05096 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05109 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05114 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05156 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05175 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05230 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05240 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05249 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05259 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05324 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05325 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05341 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05352 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05450 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05486 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05547 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05581 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05606 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05610 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05642 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05662 Sex: F Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05667 Sex: F Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05698 Sex: U Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05730 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05733 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05735 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05806 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05835 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05885 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05908 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Papio
Specific name: papio Subspecific name:
Name: Guinea Baboon
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05981 Sex: M Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 05982 Sex: F Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 06015 Sex: Age:
Family: Cercopithecidae Genus: Miopithecus
Specific name: talapoin Subspecific name:
Name: Talapoin
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 06021 Sex: Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 06031 Sex: Age:
Family: Cebidae Genus: Callithrix
Specific name: geoffroyi Subspecific name:
Name: Geoffroy's Marmoset
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
No: 06290 Sex: M Age:
Family: Loridae Genus: Perodicticus
Specific name: potto Subspecific name:
Name: Potto
Skull: parts Mandible: parts Humerus: parts Radius: parts
Ulna: parts Scapula: parts Femur: parts Tibia: parts
Fibula: parts Coxae: parts Trunk: parts
Hand: parts Foot: parts
1 - 98 of 98
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Species: * OR search
All Species(6383)
Cheirogaleidae Microcebus murinus(8)
Lemuridae Eulemur fulvus(2)
Lemuridae Eulemur macaco(15)
Lemuridae Eulemur mongoz(7)
Lemuridae Lemur catta(55)
Lemuridae Varecia variegata(42)
Galagidae Galago senegalensis(59)
Galagidae Galago demidovii(2)
Galagidae Otolemur crassicaudatus(47)
Galagidae Galagidae spp.(1)
Loridae Loris tardigradus(12)
Loridae Nycticebus coucang(58)
Loridae Nycticebus pygmaeus(28)
Loridae Perodicticus potto(10)
Tarsiidae Tarsius syrichta(9)
Cebidae Callimico goeldii(37)
Cebidae Callithrix argentata(39)
Cebidae Callithrix geoffroyi(44)
Cebidae Callithrix humeralifer(30)
Cebidae Callithrix jacchus(264)
Cebidae Callithrix penicillata(83)
Cebidae Callithrix spp.(1)
Cebidae Cebuella pygmaea(191)
Cebidae Leontopithecus rosalia(31)
Cebidae Saguinus bicolor(2)
Cebidae Saguinus fuscicollis(17)
Cebidae Saguinus geoffroyi(16)
Cebidae Saguinus imperator(10)
Cebidae Saguinus labiatus(62)
Cebidae Saguinus leucopus(9)
Cebidae Saguinus midas(17)
Cebidae Saguinus mystax(70)
Cebidae Saguinus nigricollis(100)
Cebidae Saguinus oedipus(187)
Cebidae Saguinus weddelli(24)
Cebidae Saguinus spp.(1)
Cebidae Aotus trivirgatus(121)
Cebidae Cebus albifrons(18)
Cebidae Cebus apella(38)
Cebidae Cebus capucinus(19)
Cebidae Cebus nigrivittatus(7)
Cebidae Cebus spp.(0)
Cebidae Saimiri boliviensis(8)
Cebidae Saimiri sciureus(121)
Atelidae Alouatta caraya(13)
Atelidae Alouatta fusca(1)
Atelidae Alouatta seniculus(5)
Atelidae Alouatta spp.(1)
Atelidae Ateles belzebuth(8)
Atelidae Ateles geoffroyi(64)
Atelidae Ateles paniscus(18)
Atelidae Ateles spp.(1)
Atelidae Lagothrix lagothricha(32)
Atelidae Lagothrix lagothricha cana(1)
Pitheciidae Cacajao calvus rubicundus(3)
Pitheciidae Callicebus cupreus(2)
Pitheciidae Callicebus donacophilus(4)
Pitheciidae Callicebus moloch(24)
Pitheciidae Callicebus torquatus(1)
Pitheciidae Callicebus spp.(1)
Pitheciidae Chiropotes satanas(2)
Pitheciidae Pithecia monachus(6)
Pitheciidae Pithecia pithecia(14)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus agilis(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster(5)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus torquatus atys(7)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus torquatus lunulatus(14)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus torquatus torquatus(9)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus hybrid(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercocebus spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Lophocebus albigena(2)
Cercopithecidae Papio anubis(132)
Cercopithecidae Papio cynocephalus(22)
Cercopithecidae Papio hamadryas(26)
Cercopithecidae Papio papio(8)
Cercopithecidae Papio spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Mandrillus leucophaeus(17)
Cercopithecidae Mandrillus sphinx(23)
Cercopithecidae Theropithecus gelada(7)
Cercopithecidae Macaca arctoides(17)
Cercopithecidae Macaca assamensis(7)
Cercopithecidae Macaca brunnescens(0)
Cercopithecidae Macaca cyclopis(118)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fascicularis(982)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fuscaca fuscata(1073)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fuscata yakui(600)
Cercopithecidae Macaca fuscata hybrid(2)
Cercopithecidae Macaca maura(15)
Cercopithecidae Macaca mulatta(193)
Cercopithecidae Macaca nemestrina(60)
Cercopithecidae Macaca nigra(9)
Cercopithecidae Macaca radiata(108)
Cercopithecidae Macaca silenus(23)
Cercopithecidae Macaca sinica(19)
Cercopithecidae Macaca sylvanus(23)
Cercopithecidae Macaca thibetana(5)
Cercopithecidae Macaca tonkeana(0)
Cercopithecidae Macaca hybrid(2)
Cercopithecidae Macaca spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Allenopithecus nigroviridis(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus ascanius(10)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus cephus(6)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus diana(3)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus hamlyni(3)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus lhoesti(8)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mitis(3)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mitis doggetti(2)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mitis albogularis(11)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus mona(26)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus neglectus(17)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus nigroviridis(0)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus petaurista buettikoferi(15)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus spp.(1)
Cercopithecidae Chlorocebus aethiops(20)
Cercopithecidae Chlorocebus pygerythrus cynosuros(1)
Cercopithecidae Erythrocebus patas(146)
Cercopithecidae Miopithecus talapoin(16)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Colobus angolensis(14)
Cercopithecidae Colobus guereza(5)
Cercopithecidae Colobus polykomos(13)
Cercopithecidae Piliocolobus badius(0)
Cercopithecidae Kasi senex vetulus(2)
Cercopithecidae Kasi senex(3)
Cercopithecidae Nasalis larvatus(9)
Cercopithecidae Presbytes melalophos(2)
Cercopithecidae Pygathrix nemaeus(0)
Cercopithecidae Semnopithecus entellus(77)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus cristatus(53)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus francoisi(14)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus obscurus(13)
Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus pileatus(10)
Cercopithecidae Colobinae spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Presbytesinae spp.(0)
Cercopithecidae Cercopithecidae spp.(0)
Hylobatidae Hoolock hoolock(2)
Hylobatidae Hylobates agilis(14)
Hylobatidae Hylobates klossii(2)
Hylobatidae Hylobates lar(44)
Hylobatidae Hylobates moloch(6)
Hylobatidae Hylobates muelleri(0)
Hylobatidae Hylobates pileatus(5)
Hylobatidae Hylobates spp.(3)
Hylobatidae Hylobates hybrid(1)
Hylobatidae Nomascus concolor(3)
Hylobatidae Symphalangus syndactylus(16)
Hominidae Pongo pygmaeus(7)
Hominidae Pan troglodytes(1)
Hominidae Gorilla gorilla beringei(2)
Hominidae Gorilla gorilla gorilla(5)
Primates misc.(2)
Scandentia Dendrogale melanura(0)
Scandentia Ptilocercus lowii(0)
Scandentia Tupaia glis(19)
Scandentia Tupaia gracilis(0)
Scandentia Tupaia minor(0)

Skeletal Collection: * AND search
Skull(16) Mandible(16)
Humerus(16) Radius(16)
Ulna(16) Scapula(16)
Femur(16) Tibia(16)
Fibula(16) Coxae(16)
Trunk(16) Hand(15)
Male(50) Female(43)
Fetus(0) Infant(0)
Juvenile(4) Adult(12)
* The number of specimens with additional search criteria are showed in ( ).